“He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.”
— Roy L. Smith

Coat – Barbour (similar) || Sweater – Forever 21 (similar) || Jeans – J Brand || Scarf – Lochcarron (other plaid scarf options) || Boots – Sorel || Hat – Amazon (under $20! Loving these double-pom beanies too!) || Gloves – Old (similar — need a pair of texting gloves too!)
Photos courtesy of Anna of Noir Friday
The BEST part about the holidays for me has always been the greenery.
Firs, Pines, Evergreens…
Sap inevitably sticking my fingers together…
Oh I just LOVE it! It’s not the holidays without some fresh winter greenery.
The smell alone is ENCHANTING. One little wreath and you whole home instantly fills with the scented joy of the holidays. I could go months with fresh evergreen in our living room and still never tire of the scent (how ironic is it that my Christmas cologne doesn’t have any pine in it at all?).
Long story short, Christmas Tree Farms are my happy place come December.
One of my most favorite places to celebrate Christmas in Chicago.
And one of the first places I went after coming home from my unexpected, extra-stay in Florida earlier this month. Anna drove me over so we could shoot some pictures and pick out a pretty wreath for my front door.Isn’t it magnificent?
I don’t think I’ve ever had a prettier Christmas wreath! And WOW does it ever make our little apartment smell good!
What do you like to do to bring the holidays into your home?