Because Hubby and I both freelance and run our own businesses, we work a lot of hours.
A LOT of hours.
We both desperately love what we do but there have certainly been weeks where neither of us has had a chance to go grocery shopping and we’ve found ourselves quickly diving into a bag of potato chips before heading to our next project. It’s certainly not ideal. And definitely not healthy.
So a few weeks ago I decided to start purging our pantry to replace unhealthy on-the-go options with healthier ones so Hubby and I can fuel ourselves for the work we do and love. One of the best changes we made was to start keeping a batch of chia seed pudding in the fridge for a quick, energy-boosting snack when we need it.
Now, I hear what many of you might be saying: chia seed pudding sounds disgusting. And I’ll be the first to admit it’s certainly not the prettiest dish I’ve ever featured here. But, being a an ancient superfood loaded with vitamins and fibre, one small serving of chia pudding can give you quite a boost in natural energy.
A serious energy boost without the jitters.
Chia pudding is very similar to tapioca pudding in appearance and texture. It’s a versatile canvas you can morph into so many different delicious flavors, just by changing out the toppings. Since bee pollen is one of my daily energy essentials, I always like to top my chia pudding with it for EXTRA energy but feel free to leave it off if you don’t like the taste.
And one batch of chia pudding takes less than 2 minutes to throw together and can last 3 – 5 days in the fridge when stored in an air-tight container.
Chia Pudding is what I like to dub “super snacking”! Easy Chia Energy Pudding
Yields 4 Servings
1/2 Cup Chia Seeds
3 Cups Unsweetened Almond Milk, Flavor of Choice
2 TBSP Maple Syrup or Honey
1/2 Tbsp Bee Pollen
1 Tsp Hemp Seeds
Fruit Topping of Choice*
Whisk together first three ingredients. Let sit ten minutes and whisk again to prevent any clumping. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours (I usually just make this at night before bed and leave it overnight), whisking periodically to prevent clumps if you can.
To serve simply pour desired amount of chia pudding into a bowl. Top with whatever toppings you’d like! I like bee pollen, honey, plums, and hemp seeds the most. It gives me such a great boost of energy.
See how easy that was? One of the healthiest snacks you can make for yourself just so happens to be one of the easiest too. #supersnacking
*Fruit Jams, Berries, Bananas, you name it! Get creative.Pro Tip: Serve in a fancy dessert vessel to make your healthy snack feel more… indulgent.
Don’t forget to share your Easy Chia Puddings with the #SedBona tag on Instagram and Twitter!