“Periods of wholesome laziness, after days of energetic effort, will wonderfully tone up the mind and body.”
— Grenville Kleiser

Dress – SheIn (an obvious favorite) || Sandals – SheIn || Tote – Apolis || Hat – Forever 21 (similar) || Sunglasses – BP.
Photos by My Sister
Well, it’s officially September.
Kids are heading back to school.
Temperatures are dropping.
But summer is still technically here for 3 more weeks and I plan on relishing every last moment of Chicago’s liveliest season.
Lately I’ve been spending my weekends at the farmer’s market, at brunch with my sister, or just walking through Old Town with Hubby.
All while wearing this exact uniform to it all. It’s comfortable, classic AND this great Apolis bag pays perfect homage to my hometown in such a chic way!
It’s become my perfect do-anything, see-anything uniform to live in for these final weeks of summer.
Happy Labor Day Weekend!
P. S. Looking for some new brunch suggestions? A few of my favorites are listed in my new Chicago Travel Guide!